
Directions to the private urological practice at Residenzstraße 23 in Munich

You will find our private urological practice centrally located in Munich's old town at Residenzstraße 23. The entrance itself is located in the historic Theatinerpassage, so you can reach our practice via Theatinerstraße 32 as well as via Residenzstraße 23.

Public transport

If you travel by public transport (tram, bus, underground or train) the closest stops are: Theatinerstraße, Marienplatz and Odeonsplatz.

Timetable information MVV

Tram and bus stops - timetable information

Own car

If you arrive by car, you can park in the underground car park in front of the Opera House (Max-Joseph-Platz 4) or in the Bavaria Parkgaragen at Salvatorplatz 3.

In case of a walking disability due to illness, it is possible to be dropped off and picked up directly at the entrance to the practice in Residenzstraße.



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