Urologist Dr. Friedemann Meisse
born in 1964
1983 - 1990 Study of human medicine at:
- Medical Faculty of the University of Essen
- Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- University of Natal in Durban/South Africa
1993 Doctorate at the Medical Faculty of the University of Essen
1991 - 1997 Urological residency at the University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich/Clinic Großhadern
1998 Establishment as urologist in Munich with operative activity:
- Urological Clinic Planegg
- IATROS Clinic Munich
Since 2002 Chief Physician of the Department of Brachytherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer at the Urological Clinic Planegg
From 2007 - 2016 specialist at the urological group practice Urologicum Munich Nymphenburger Straße
2017 Foundation of the Urological Private Practice - Urology an der Residenz, Munich
Additional designations
Technical qualification in radiation protection for the field of application "X-ray diagnostics of the entire urinary tract and the genital organs" and "Emergency diagnostics".
Technical qualification for laser application in medicine
Specialized knowledge in the handling of enclosed radiation bodies for the application of implantation of seeds (brachytherapy)
German Society for Urology
Prostate Center Munich
German Society for Incontinence